At the start of 2019, we are proud to share the exciting news that we have passed the assessment of the Hong Kong Film Awards Association, resulting in us being announced as the “Official Sponsor of Limousine Service” of the 38th Hong Kong Film Awards. Providing luxury cars to the A list guests cements us as a market leader in concierge services. The recognition of this international-level Hong Kong event is a privilege for Club ZFU, and it shows the high-level quality of our valued service.

Club ZFU 富馳薈成為第 38 屆香港電影金像獎
2019年剛開始,我們又迎來了一個好消息,Club ZFU 富馳薈成為第38屆香港電影金像獎「大會指定禮賓車服務」的贊助商,為當日出席頒獎禮的台前幕後的精英及嘉賓們提供禮賓車服務,能與香港電影金像獎協會合作,絕對是 Club ZFU 富馳薈的榮幸。